How do our bank account application & follow up procedures work?


If you are wondering how our account opening system works once the application has been emailed to you for signature and completion (or if you have ordered a bank account and are wondering how it’s progressing) kindly note:

  1. The corporate bank account application (together with instructions re how/where to complete /sign it) is usually emailed automatically to you within 48 hours of incorporation
  2. Your name goes onto a follow up/ joblist with an allocated follow up date and the joblist is reviewed daily. We follow you up every 7-14 days thereafter until the original application is received
  3. Once the original account application is received usually the same day (max within 48 hours) of receiving the account application we email you to advise of receipt and any extra info/docs needed
  4. If all is in order, within 24 hours of receipt, we deliver by hand or dispatch by courier the account application to the bank (who usually take 5 to 7 days from date of receipt to respond)
  5. We follow up the bank by email and by phone, pushing them to open the account promptly, every 24 hours from the 3 day mark until the account is opened
  6. If more info/documentation is needed from you we follow you up every 4 to 7 days until the info is received.

Chances are if you haven’t heard from us regarding your company’s bank account application, and you were expecting to, then either:

  1. The account is already opened and advice of account opening from the bank has not been successfully sent by the bank to you; or
  2. No bank account order was ever received by us for the particular account applicant in question or
  3. We have not received the original account application for your company.

For more information on this topic (or if you would like to know more about How We Can Help You) please  Contact Us