IBC & Offshore Brokerage Account Packages

Are you an online/day trader (eg trading forex or shares or commodities or futures or options or derivatives etc) and looking for better Trading Terms? Or for access to a wider choice/range of (International) Brokers?


If you are a day Trader based in a high regulation jurisdiction you may (or may not?) be surprised to hear that your residential situation has the capacity to limit what you can do (particularly in terms of leverage) as an Online Trader, given certain countries’ highly regulated trading conditions.


If you’ve already worked out that your locale limits your current Trading freedom, then you’ll probably be interested in opening a Brokerage Account with a non-local (ie “Offshore”) Broker.


The potential dilemma there however is that a lot of International/Offshore Brokers won’t accept individuals from certain countries as clients.


If you’re one of those people and you want access to “Offshore” Brokers what you will want/need to do is set up an Offshore Company and have the Offshore Company open a Brokerage Account with your preferred International Broker. Popular jurisdiction choices for such Companies include the BVI, Belize, Seychelles, Nevis, Panama and Hong Kong.


Even if you were to do that, some Brokers won’t accept an Offshore Company as a client if the Director or Shareholder of the Company is from certain countries. So, (if you live in one of those countries) for access to those Brokers you’d need to include a Nominee Shareholder and a Nominee Director as part of your Company/legal structure. (Most Offshore Corporate Service Providers, including OCI, can provide such a service).




How such an arrangement typically works is as follows:


  1. You incorporate an Offshore Company in a low regulation jurisdiction ie ideally somewhere where day trading is an “as of right” business activity (ie no Special License needed)
  2. If you want access to a wide range of Brokers ideally the Company would be set up with a “Nominee” Director & “Nominee” Shareholder as part of the Corporate structure (Which is a service that OCI can provide)
  3. You are appointed in writing by the Company/Director (via a Consultancy Agreement which we will provide) as the Company’s Trading Manager or as an Authorised Trader
  4. The Brokerage Account application will be completed by the Company, signed by the Company Director and submitted to the Broker by OCI
  5. Immediately the Brokerage Account is opened you will receive the log in codes enabling you to place the trades and authorise withdrawals of money from the Brokerage Account.


Once you commit to becoming an OCI client we will also share you with the names of Brokers used historically by our existing clients in such instances.




  • With a Seychelles or Belize Full Nominee IBC: $2,390
  • With a Nevis Full Nominee Company: $2,600
  • With a BVI Full Nominee Company: $2,750
  • With a Panama Full Nominee Company: $3,200
  • With a Hong Kong Full Nominee Company:  $3,400