How To Realise Cryptocurrency Gains Offshore (Almost) Tax Free

Recently we were approached by a client who had acquired Cryptocurrency some time back and who is confident that Crypto generally (and Bitcoin in particular) is going to go on a Bull Run (EG many respected Industry pundits are predicting that the price of a Bitcoin will punch through the $US100,000 price barrier by year’s end).


In short, the client was inquiring about strategies for how to get the Crypto into a Tax Free Offshore Corporate structure before the price booms without having to incur any, or any substantial, CGT (Capital Gains Tax) liability pre-transfer.


Some eminent tax lawyers have suggested that there are two methods one could consider deploying in terms of transferring Crypto cost effectively to a (nil tax) Offshore Company.


The first method would be to characterize the proposed Foundation as a Charitable or Benevolent Foundation and to “donate” the Crypto to the proposed Foundation. Would this amount to a disposal” such as might trigger the application of CGT (Capital Gains tax locally?). Maybe (hopefully) not! Nevertheless, that is a question you will need to seek specialist local Tax Advice on.


The second option, would be to lend the Crypto to the Offshore Company, that is you and the Company would enter into an arms-length loan agreement. This loan ideally should be seen to be on commercial terms with a commercially realistic/explicable interest rate (ideally, from your perspective, this would be the lowest interest rate possible). Usually, we see such agreements with loan periods of 30 years with the first 5 years of the loan only requiring the borrower to make interest only repayments to the Lender. Whatever profit the borrower makes on the Crypto it gets to keep (less the interest component, which it pays to you and which would presumably be reportable/taxable income your side). Potentially the interest only repayment period could be rolled over every 5 years such that the borrower would not have to pay the back the principle until you’ve moved to a nil tax jurisdiction and want to shut down the structure and cash out (See below).


That said for this strategy to work you’ll want to structure/administer the Offshore Company in such a way as to minimize the chances of the Company being called upon to pay taxes onshore/where you live.


For many clients this could potentially be achieved by setting up a nil tax “Offshore” Company:

(a)  With an Offshore Management System ie the Company would need to be seen to be managed/controlled from Offshore (which would entail the deployment of an active nil tax jurisdiction based “Nominee” director);

(b)  With an Offshore beneficial ownership structure ie the “beneficial owner of the Company would be seen to domiciled Offshore ie in a nil tax environment (which would entail the deployment of a Private Foundation to act as the shareholder of the Company – as a Private Foundation is presumed at common law to be both the legal owner and the beneficial owner of any asset it owns/holds.


Would you like to know more? Then please Contact Us:


DISCLAIMER: OCI is a Company/Trust/LLC/LP/Foundation Formation Agency. We are not tax advisers or legal advisers. You are advised to seek local legal/tax/financial advice in regards to your local reporting/tax requirements before committing to set up or use an Offshore Company or other entity.




Offshore Legal Structures for a DEX (Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange)

If you’re like most new startups – and looking to a launch a new DEX (Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange) – you’re probably in a bit of a quandary about how you should structure your DEX from a Corporate/Legal Perspective. It can be a bit confusing and frankly there’s a lot of misinformation out there on the nett written by people with tech knowledge but no legal background.


I’ve been a Lawyer for 33 years, have worked exclusively in the “Offshore” Corporate Structuring field for the last 23 years and and have specialized in assisting Crypto startups for the past 7 years +. I’ve done a TON of research on this topic and assisted A LOT of such businesses to get structured. Hopefully this Article will cut to the thrust and tell you EXACTLY what you need to know…


(As you may know) Unlike a Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (“CEX”) a Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (“DEX”) typically does not provide any custodial facility, ie it simply provides a platform where people can meet and trade sell or swap Cryptocurrency peer to peer. Given the DEX model of exchange never holds customer funds, this makes it difficult for law makers to overlay traditional regulatory oversight. Generally speaking, where an entity is holding third party funds in a custodial relationship, or assisting third parties to move or invest funds, this is a Licenseable Activity.


That said a lot of the jurisdictions whereat we used to incorporate DEXs have decided that such an enterprise is now either a prohibited activity or they require the enterprise to apply for some form of License.


There are a number of Licenses you could potentially apply for “Offshore” for a DEX including:

  1. A Gibraltar DLT License
  2. An Estonian Cryptocurrency Exchange (and/or Crypto Wallet Provider) License
  3. A Malta Crypto business license
  4. A Mauritius VASP License
  5. An Isle of Man ICO License
  6. A Swiss ICO license
  7. A Lithuanian Cryptocurrency Exchange/Wallet Provider License
  8. A Caymans VASP License
  9. A BVI VASP License

10.A UAE Crypto business license


The cost to incorporate and apply for a License for businesses of the kind described above typically ranges from $U15,000 00 to circa $50,00 depending largely on which jurisdiction you choose.


That said, if you’re on a budget, you’ll be pleased to hear that it’s still possible still to incorporate such a business “Offshore” without needing to apply for some of Special License. Panama, St Vincent and Samoa all present options in that regard. Check this Article for details:


DEX Legal Structures – Overview


In the case of a DEX, the Exchange Company/Platform Provider can’t access the platform user’s assets. Nor can the owners. The token swap protocols of the DEX are, in most cases, ownerless and non-custodial. As such the DEX platform provider (general negligence principles aside) owes no Fiduciary duty to the Users. This is why the typical regulations encapsulating CEXs aren’t applied to DEXs.


That said, as an owner of a DEX, it’s important that you give considered thought to how you are going to structure the enterprise from a legal/entity perspective. In short, you’ll need to strike a balance as between potentially competing interests viz a viz the various stakeholders. At its core the legal/ownership structure should take into account and cater/provide for:

  1. Limiting the Founders’ liability in the event of a law suit against the DEX +
  2. Investor sensibilities +
  3. Ensuring that the relationships as between the DEX owners are carefully documented/governed +
  4. Tax Planning considerations +
  5. Insurance against potential allegations of non compliance with “onshore” Managed Investments Laws and/or Securities Industry Regulations


Behind the DEX protocols, we often see a Decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO) (like Uniswap DAO and Sushi DAO), the members of which vote for the protocol’s strategy (the principles of its work, commission sizes, etc.) and manage the Treasury (e.g., issue grants/tokens) in a decentralized way.


Given at its core the typical/pure DAO is an unincorporated association (like a Club, meaning all the members could be made jointly and severally liable if the DAO were to be sued) these days most such DAOs are usually incorporated/registered as ownerless legal entities (eg Private Foundations) or as Limited Liability Companies (eg DAO LLCs). Generically we refer to this as applying or setting up a DAO Legal Wrapper. These legal wrappers aim to protect DAO members from unlimited liability and implement the decentralized governance of the DAO. (For more information of what  DAO is and where you might set one up check this Article: )


There are various ways to Legally structure a DEX but the most common approach we see to the legal structuring of a DEX is to create a collective of legal entities including:

  1. A DAO Foundation +
  2. A Developer Company +
  3. The (Consumer facing) Exchange Company
  4. A Token Distribution/Issuance Company (Token Co) ie if the Exchange intends to sell it owns native Token
  5. A Management Company


In terms of roles the DAO Foundation can potentially do several things ie it can/would/could:

  • Engage/pay the Developer Co
  • Act as an Incubator fund for collecting seed Capital (eg privately introduced/early stage investors and/or DAO members could make donations to the Foundation and in return receive tokens or a SAFT ie a Simple Agreement for Future Tokens)
  • Own the Tokens as developed and or it could own/provide working capital to the Exchange Company (ie act as a/the Treasury)
  • It could be used to incentivize sweat equity (ie it can be used to gift and/or air drop tokens to high performing team members or to benefactors)


The Developer Company would be engaged to do the IT/Tech work and would typically be owned by the Tech Members of/Coders for the Collective. This enables the software developers to be remunerated on a commercial basis for the work they do.


The Exchange Company would own and operate the business, in effect, ie, it is the Entity that would engage/contract with the DEX Platform users and receive the fees/commissions generated by their Cryptocurrency sales/swaps.


If you plan to develop/sell your own Coin or Token (ie a Token that could be publicly traded) then ideally (eg to minimise liability exposure to the rest of the Group) this function should be carried out by a stand alone Company. This Company could be owned by the Exchange Co or it could be owned by the DAO Foundation and or by stage 2 Investors.


To ensure that the Founders get paid fairly for running the business ideally the Founders should form their own Management Company. This Company would be engaged via contract by the Exchange Co (and the Token Issuing Co) to manage the day to day affairs of the business.


Sometimes we see the DAO Foundation form an IP Company so that the technology/IP can be sold separately later and/or protected from law suits. Where an IP Company is deployed typically it is owned by the DAO Foundation and it hires/engages the Developer Company.


Occasionally we see a Holding Company deployed to own the Exchange Co and or the Token Issuing Co. Typically post launch Commercial Investors (eg if/when you need to do a 2nd capital raise to fund expansion) would hold shares in this Company as would the Founders of the Enterprise.


Potentially each of the Service/Etc Companies/Entities could be set up in a nil tax jurisdiction to help potentially deliver an enhanced bottom line. Popular jurisdictions include the BVI, Seychelles, Belize, Nevis, Hong Kong etc.


There’s no one perfect way to structure a DEX> Every business is different. Moreover you don’t necessarily need to kick off with a menage of Companies – some can be “bolted on” later as the business grows. That said I/OCI can provide detailed guidance in this regard ie we can assist you to tailor a Legal structure designed to meet your particular goals/needs having regard to your budget, potential for legal exposure, location, growth aspirations and time frames.


Would you like to know more? Then please Contact Us:


DISCLAIMER: OCI is a Company/Trust/LLC/LP/Foundation Formation Agency. We are not tax advisers or legal advisers. You are advised to seek local legal/tax/financial advice in regards to your local reporting/tax requirements before committing to set up or use an Offshore Company or other entity.







Seychelles Private Trust Companies



A Trust is a legal arrangement in which a Trustee holds assets on behalf of beneficiaries, who benefit from the assets but do not own them. Trusts are commonly used for estate planning, asset protection, and philanthropy.


  • A Trust is set up by a person called a Settlor
  • A Trust is managed day to day by a Trustee
  • A Trust typically has Beneficiaries ie persons who are designed to benefit ultimately/financially from the set-up of the Trust
  • A/The Trustee manages the Trust assets in accordance with a Trust Deed ie a governance document drafted or supplied by the Settlor or his/her Lawyers


In Seychelles, individuals and corporations can establish Trusts under the Seychelles Trusts Act 2021. However, there is also the option of setting up a Private Trust Company (PTC) instead of a traditional Trust. In this article, we will explain the key features of a Private Trust Company and how it differs from a normal Trust established under the Seychelles Trusts Act 2021.


What is a Private Trust Company?


A Private Trust Company (PTC) is a company specifically set up to act as a Trustee for one or more trusts. PTCs are often used by wealthy families or businesses to maintain control and confidentiality over their assets. The PTC can be owned and controlled by the family or business, allowing them to have greater input and control over the management of their assets.


Key Features of a Private Trust Company


  1. Control: One of the key features of a PTC is that it allows the Settlor to retain a significant degree of control over the Trust assets. This is because the PTC is owned and controlled by the Settlor, who can appoint the Directors and determine the investment strategy of the company.
  2. Customization: Another advantage of a PTC is that it can be customized to suit the needs of the Settlor and his/her Beneficiaries. The PTC can be set up to manage multiple Trusts, each with their own investment strategy and beneficiaries.
  3. Confidentiality: A PTC also offers greater confidentiality compared to a traditional Trust. This is because the Settlor can choose to keep the ownership and control of the PTC private, which can help to protect both the Settlor’s and the Beneficiaries’ privacy and anonymity.
  4. Limited Liability: A PTC is a separate legal entity and therefore provides limited liability protection to the Settlor and his/her beneficiaries. This means that the assets held within the Trust are protected from any claims or liabilities against the PTC.


Normal Trusts Established under the Seychelles Trusts Act 2021


In contrast to a PTC, a normal Trust established under the Seychelles Trusts Act 2021 is a traditional Trust arrangement. The Settlor establishes the Trust, appoints a Trustee to manage the Trust assets, and identifies the Beneficiaries who will benefit from the Trust assets/investments.


Key Features of a Normal Trust Established under the Seychelles Trusts Act 2021


  1. Asset Protection: A normal Trust established under the Seychelles Trusts Act 2021 provides asset protection for the Beneficiaries. This means that the assets held within the Trust are protected from any claims or liabilities against the Beneficiaries.
  2. Tax Efficiency: A Trust established under the Seychelles Trusts Act 2021 can also offer tax efficiency. This is because the Trust assets are held separately from the Settlor’s personal assets, which can help to reduce the Settlor’s tax liability.
  3. Confidentiality: A normal Trust established under the Seychelles Trusts Act 2021 also offers confidentiality to the Settlor and the Beneficiaries. The Trust Deed is not a public document, and the identity of the Settlor and Beneficiaries can be kept confidential.




In summary, a Private Trust Company (PTC) is a company specifically set up to act as a Trustee for one or more Trusts. PTCs offer greater control, customization, confidentiality, and limited liability protection to the Settlor and Beneficiaries. In contrast, a normal Trust established under the Seychelles Trusts Act 2021 provides asset protection, tax efficiency, and confidentiality to the Settlor and Beneficiaries. Ultimately, the choice between a PTC and normal Trust comes down to the circumstances and preferences of the Settlor.


Would you like to know more? Then please Contact Us:


DISCLAIMER: OCI is a Company/Trust/LLC/LP/Foundation Formation Agency. We are not tax advisers or legal advisers. You are advised to seek local legal/tax/financial advice in regards to your local reporting/tax requirements before committing to set up or use an Offshore Company or other entity.

Where To Incorporate a Crypto Token Launch Business Offshore

Are you looking to launch a business that will sell Crypto Tokens to the general public?


If so, there are a number of License and or Jurisdiction Options you would naturally be considering.


In our experience, most well-heeled or sophisticated investors looking to invest in Crypto Tokens would probably prefer to invest with a Licensed Operation.


If you’re aiming for such a market – and/or if your preference would be to obtain a Crypto Business License prior to going to market – there are a number of options you could/would be considering including:


  1. A Gibraltar DLT License
  2. A Malta Crypto business license
  3. A Mauritius VASP License
  4. An Isle of Man ICO License
  5. A Swiss ICO license
  6. A Caymans VASP License
  7. A BVI VASP License
  8. A UAE Crypto business license


The cost to incorporate and apply for a License for a Crypto Token Issuing business typically ranges from $US30,000 00 to $50,00 depending largely on which jurisdiction you choose.


Non Licensed Options


If you don’t have the wherewithal or the finances to apply for a Special License for your Crypto Token Issuing Business there are several jurisdiction options available to you.


The first such option to consider would be to incorporate as an IBC or as an LLC Company in St Vincent & the Grenadines (“SVG”), a small but well regarded Caribbean Island Tax/Privacy Haven Jurisdiction.


Notwithstanding that SVG has passed VASP (Virtual Asset Service Provider) Licensing Legislation it is possible to set up a Company in SVG presently and conduct cryptocurrency activity without having to apply for a VASP License as the SVG Government is yet to pass regulations governing the License application process.


That said, once the SVG Government passes the Regulations you will need to either redomicile the Company to another jurisdiction (that does not require a license eg Panama or Samoa, see below) or you’ll need to shut the Company down, or you’ll need to apply for a VASP license in SVG.


To set up such a Company in SVG would cost around $US1,500.


For detailed information in regards to St Vincent check this Link:




If you’re wanting to incorporate a Crypto Token issuing business without having to apply for a special License the second option would be to incorporate as an IBC in Samoa.


Samoa is a small self-governed (former British colony) island nation in the South Pacific region. It has offered a nil tax IBC Company regime since around 1994 and, whilst not a wealthy country, it does have a history of political stability + the comfort of a British style legal system.


Samoa has not passed VASP Legislation and has not yet publicly expressed any intention to do so.


To set up such a Company in Samoa would cost around $1,500. For detailed information in regards to Samoa check this Link:




The third option to consider if you want to avoid having to apply for a VASP style license would be the Central American Economic powerhouse of Panama.


Panama is an interesting case study …


You see, the Panama authorities favored the implementation of VASP regulation and the Legislature passed the required Bill.


BUT the Panamanian President (as is/was his right) challenged the validity of the proposed legislation by issuing a legal challenge in the Panama Supreme Court.


To many observers surprise, the Court found in the President’s favour ie the proposed Panama VASP was found to be unconstitutional by the Panama Supreme Court and hence struck down ie it never made it past the Bill stage. Hence there is very little (if any) risk, if you incorporate in Panama, of a law being passed subsequent to your incorporation requiring you to either migrate/redomicile out of the jurisdiction or apply for a VASP license.


To set up such a Company in Panama would cost around $1,500. For detailed information in regards to Panama check this Link:


Would you like to know more? Then please Contact Us:


DISCLAIMER: This information is current as at 14.7.24 and the accuracy thereof may have been altered by legislative changes subsequent to publishing. OCI is a Company/Trust/LLC/LP/Foundation Formation Agency. We are not tax advisers, financial advisers or legal advisers. You are advised to seek local legal/tax/financial advice in regards to your local reporting/tax requirements before committing to set up or use an Offshore Company or other entity.





Cayman Islands Crypto Funds

Are you looking to set up a Startup or Incubator Fund?


Once your team’s investment strategy has been determined, the decision needs to be made on the most optimal structure for your Investment Fund.


Often an offshore jurisdiction such as the Cayman Islands comes into play in the event where any of the investors are located outside of the U.S. and are U.S. tax exempt. In these scenarios it is very common for an offshore jurisdiction to form part of the fund structure.


Benefits of using the Cayman Islands include:

1. Familiarity to Managers and Investors.

2. Robust and Flexible Legal Framework.

3. Stable Political Climate.

4. Availability of High Quality Service Providers.

5. Proven Record as a World Leading Financial Centre.


 Questions to Consider when it comes to structure

  1. What will be the investment strategy of your fund?
  2. Will you mainly be investing and trading in Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain start-ups or a combination of the two?
  3. If cryptocurrencies, what exchanges are you trading on?
  4. Any DeFI protocols and if so, how will the fund administrator and auditor be able to perform valuations? Is there a valuation policy?
  5. Will you be accepting investment in fiat and non-fiat currencies?
  6. What volume of trades will you undertake on a daily and monthly basis?
  7. What liquidity will your investors have? Do you need to operate as an Open-ended or closed-ended Fund?
  8. What fees will you charge for managing your fund in terms of management and performance fees?
  9. Where will your investors be located?

10.What type of investors will you have e.g. friends and family, family offices, institutions?

11.Do you currently have a fund management company?

12.Have your onshore tax advisors expressed a preference for the type of legal entity that the fund should be?

13.Do you require assistance with the appointment of service providers? (Not all service providers are crypto friendly).


 Legal Structures

The two most common structures that we see in the Cayman Islands for Cryptocurrency or Blockchain Funds are the Open-Ended Cayman Islands Exempted Company and the Closed-End Cayman Islands Exempted Limited Partnership.


 Open-Ended Cayman Islands Exempted Company

This structure is more common for those managers looking to pursue an investment strategy which focuses on trading in Cryptocurrencies. These strategies tend to be more liquid in nature and investors are able to redeem their investment at their own initiative. These structures are therefore open-ended and similar to a traditional hedge fund. They need to be registered with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (“CIMA”) unless certain exemptions apply. This CIMA registration means that these funds will need to have at least two directors (who are themselves CIMA registered). To the extent that the equity interests of the fund are to be tokenised, CIMA would consider the fund to still be offering equity interests and therefore CIMA registration will be required.


 Closed-Ended Cayman Islands Exempted Limited Partnership

This structure is more common for those managers looking to pursue an investment strategy which focuses on long term investments in Blockchain start-ups or projects. These strategies tend to be illiquid in nature and investors are unable to redeem their investment without the manager’s consent. These types of funds are akin to a private equity or venture capitalist fund. Pursuant to the recently enacted Private Funds Law closed ended funds will also need to be registered with CIMA unless certain exemptions apply.


 Service Providers

Once you have decided on the most appropriate structure for your fund it is important to consider the range of services providers that your fund

may need to engage. Some of the key ones are:


 Legal Counsel

To advise and prepare the necessary legal documentation such as offering memorandum, investment management and advisory agreements, subscriptions documents, side letters and other ancillary agreements.


 A Registered Office provider in the Cayman Islands

It is a legal requirement for the fund to have a registered office (“RO”) in the Cayman Islands. The RO will also attend to a wide range of administrative matters on behalf of the fund. (OCI holds a Cayman Islands International Corporate Service Provider sublicense and can supply this service)



For open-ended funds it is common to appoint a third-party administrator who will be responsible for the accounting of investor subscriptions and redemptions and computing the net asset value of the fund.



With respect to custodians, many sponsors who have the expertise in the digital asset space prefer to self-custody rather than appoint a third party custodian. However, if institutional investors are to come into Cryptocurrency funds, they are likely to require a third party custodian (and also if the investment fund reaches a particular AUM that requires a third party custodian under applicable laws). CIMA is focused on valuation and custody of Cryptocurrencies and are likely to review the fund offering documents on these issues carefully.



Both opened-ended and closed-ended funds registered as mutual funds and private funds respectively will need to appoint a local auditor based in the Cayman Islands who will be responsible for signing off the fund’s annual audit. All of the major accounting firms have branches in the Cayman Islands so it is relatively straightforward to find an auditor for CIMA registered funds.


 Independent Directors

The directors are seen to act as “watchdogs” for investors over the investment manager and other service providers to the fund. We are increasingly seeing crypto funds appoint independent directors to demonstrate that they have independent oversight of fund functions. Also, with ever increasing regulatory requirements, having professional directors with experience acting on Cayman funds combined with experience of crypto developments can be extremely beneficial to all involved and provide comfort to investors and regulators.



The fund will be required to comply with Cayman Islands laws relating to FATCA, the Common Reporting Standard and Anti-Money Laundering. It is common for funds to appoint specialist third-party providers to assist with this. This is especially common for new funds who have limited experience with these regulatory regimes. To the extent that the fund accepts subscriptions in Cryptocurrencies, CIMA permits this provided that the administrator has the capability to conduct the AML due diligence including the source of wealth. CIMA now also requires natural persons to be appointed as AML officers to investment funds (who are subject to personal liability).


 Bank Account

The fund will invariably need a bank account to receive investor subscriptions and on-ramp to exchanges or convert into cryptocurrencies or the funds wallets.


 OCI Crypto Fund Services


To set up a Caymans Crypto Fund typically costs somewhere in the vicinity of $US20-30,000, depending on what legal services are required.


The OCI team have set up many Investment funds over the past 22years including several Crypto Funds AND we have assisted to  set up several of the world’s leading Defi DAOs including:


We also work with fund managers directly to assist with the legal and operational launch of such funds. We have set up funds with a wide range of investment strategies and understand the optimal legal structures to use and the appropriate service providers for each fund. We also act as independent directors to crypto funds bringing over 20 years of senior level industry experience to the board, acting for other investment funds, compliance and regulatory reporting services, registered office and corporate services. (Our CEO and Founder has been a qualified Lawyer for over 30 years).


We also routinely advise on and set up offshore fund management companies to compliment a crypto fund launch, act on the board of Cayman entities often foundations for DAO communities and blockchain start-up companies.


Would you like to know more? Then please Contact Us:



Information current at 4.7.24. OCI is a Company/Trust/LLC/LP/Foundation Formation Agency. We are not tax advisers or legal advisers. You are advised to seek local legal/tax/financial advice in regards to your local reporting/tax requirements before committing to set up or use an Offshore Company or other entity.