How To Rent Out Properties on Air BnB Using an IBC

A lot of people these days are making money on the side renting out properties (or rooms) via Air BnB.

Interestingly, Air BnB has given entrepreneurial types access to a whole new model of business!


Briefly what these clever business persons are doing is they are locating properties which are likely to be of interest to short terms renters eg inner city apartments in much visited European/Asian/American city locales, beachside holiday apartments, unit accommodation near hospitals etc.


Once located they contact the owners of the properties seeking the right to either (a) lease the property for a fixed term or (b) manage the renting of the property/s for a percentage of rent received.


In the case of (a) typically the lease will contain a clause allowing the entrepreneur to sublease the property.


In the case of (b) the entrepreneur typically enters into a property management agreement with the owner agreeing to manage the process of finding renters for and renting the property in return for a percentage of rent received.


Once the lease/agreement has been signed the entrepreneur lists the property/s for rent on air BnB.


Let’s look at a very practical example of how that should (tax effectively) work using a tax free International Business Company (” IBC”).


Say you contact a bunch of property owners in London and you either (a) convince them to let you rent the property/s out to others for a fee or percentage or (b) lease the properties yourself and sublease them to holiday makers.


Either way how it would work using a tax free Offshore Company (“IBC”) is:


  • The IBC would sign any contracts to manage or lease the properties in question
  • Any add online to rent the properties would be placed in the name of the IBC
  • The IBC would enter in to the agreement/contract with Air BnB
  • The client would pay Air BnB
  • Air BnB would keep their percentage and pay the balance to your IBC.
  • Any/all profits generated have been generated online
  • In the case of an online business typically tax liability lies only in the country from which the Company is managed and controlled
  • The Company would be structured with a (tax haven based) Nominee Director/Shareholder (ie management and control would be “Offshore” ie in a nil tax environment)
  • Thus  any profits earned have been earned (and ideally banked) Offshore ie in a nil tax environment


Local laws can have an impact. So be sure to seek local legal/tax/financial advice before committing to set up an Offshore Company for such purposes.


What is a Cryptocurrency?


A cryptocurrency is a digital medium of exchange that uses encrypted software to operate a market for transactions. That market is overseen by those using the network, based on rules coded into algorithms. It’s a transparent, peer-to-peer operation, similar to the file-sharing protocol BitTorrent which is widely used for the illegal sharing of movies, TV shows and music.


How are cryptocurrencies propagated?


Crytocurrencies are created, or mined, based on a mathematical formula. In the mining process, computers are tasked to solve complex mathematical problems and rewarded with virtual coinage. Over time, the equations become progressively more difficult to solve, slowing down the supply of new cryptocurrency units.


Can anyone become a miner?


Theoretically it is possible to start mining at home. But as the mathematical challenge becomes harder, more computational grunt is required. For this reason, miners often pool resources to buy access to supercomputers or server farms (networked arrays of smaller computers).


How many cryptocurrencies are there?


The market for such payment instruments is dominated by Bitcoin, but there are scores of other currencies including Blackcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Megacoin, Onecoin, Namecoin  etc and there is even a sexcoin.


What are they worth?


Values fluctuate based on supply and demand (and market sentiment). At the time of writing, one Bitcoin is worth $US651. But the price has gone as high as $US1145.  On the other hand, one Litecoin is worth just over $US4.30.


How do you buy and sell it?


A transaction is similar to a direct transfer between bank accounts. Algorithmic verification ensures that the same unit of currency can’t be owned by more than one person at the same time. In most cryptocurrencies, accounts known as wallets are stored either on hard drives or remotely in the cloud. Every transaction is recorded in a ledger called the blockchain that is accessible by every currency owner.


What can you buy with it?


Because of its widespread adoption, Bitcoin is the most liquid of the alternative currencies and can be readily exchanged into US dollars. In addition to being used to pay for goods and services on a person-to-person level, a number of larger enterprises have begun accepting Bitcoin as payment.


What are the benefits of Cryptocurrencies?


A Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. It is a medium of exchange like normal currencies such as USD, but designed for the purpose of exchanging digital information through a process made possible by certain principles of cryptography.


Cryptography is used to secure the transactions and to control the creation of new coins. A cryptocurrency is difficult to counterfeit because of this security feature.


A defining feature of a cryptocurrency is that it is not issued by any central authority, rendering it theoretically immune to government interference or manipulation. Encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and to verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.


Moreover decentralized cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin provide an outlet for personal wealth that is presently beyond restriction and confiscation. Interestingly an Offshore Corporate Structure be can used to hold cryptocurrency so that any capital gain occurrs or is realized in a nil tax environment. Check our Blog Article of 18 July for details of how that can work.



14 August 2016



To change the Trustee of an International tax free Trust (Offshore Trust) a certain procedure needs to be followed.


To begin with the existing Trustee of the Offshore Trust must resign or be removed.


The resignation can be verbal or in writing (in writing is preferable) however the Trust Deed usually dictates the required method.  If there is more than one Trustee, the notice, whether verbal or in writing, is given to the other Trustees.  If there is only one Trustee then the notice is given to the Nominated Beneficiaries.


A Trustee can be removed by the Appointor/Settlor. Depending upon the wording of the Trust Deed, either the retiring Trustee appoints a new Trustee or the Appointor/Settlor appoints a new Trustee.  The appointment should be in writing, preferably by Deed and should be signed by the new Trustee and incorporate an undertaking by the new Trustee to act as Trustee and discharge the duties of a Trustee set out in the Deed and at law.


Most Discretionary Trust Deeds provide that it is the Appointor/Settlor that has the power to remove an existing Trustee and appoint a new Trustee however:


  • If there is no Appointor/Settlor then a Trustee (either the retiring Trustee or a continuing Trustee) has the power to appoint a new Trustee.
  • If the Trustee has died then the deceased Trustee’s Executor (Legal Personal Representative) has the power to appoint.
  • If the Trustee or Legal Personal Representative fail or refuse to appoint then the Nominated Beneficiaries can appoint.


It is important for Trustees to be mindful that if there is a change of Trustee then the Trust Deed must provide or be amended to provide (before the new appointment is made) that neither the retiring Trustee or the new Trustee can ever be beneficiaries of the Trust.


How is a new Trustee added?


Depending upon the wording of the Trust Deed, it is either the Trustee or the Appointor/Settlor who has the authority to add a new Trustee.  The appointment can be verbal or in writing (in writing is preferable). Generally the appointment is in the form of a Deed.  The new Trustee must, when accepting the appointment, undertake to carry out the duties of Trustee and discharge the obligations contained in the Trust Deed and at law.


Resignation: A Trustee may resign as Trustee of an Offshore Trust by giving the Appointor/Settlor(s), or Trustee(s) as relevant, notice. However, unless there is a remaining Trustee, the resignation is only effective when a new Trustee has been appointed;


Removal: If the Trust has an Appointor/Settlor(s), then, depending on the wording of the Trust Deed, the Appointor/Settlor(s) may remove a Trustee at any time by signing a statement to that effect.


Appointor/Settlor’s and Trustee’s powers: If the Trust has an Appointor/Settlor (and if the Trust Deed provides for it)  then the Appointor/Settlor, or otherwise the Trustee, may appoint an additional or replacement Trustee at any time by a written statement to that effect.


First named Beneficiary’s powers: If the Trust has no Appointor and no Trustee, then (if the Trust Deed provides for it) the first named Beneficiary who is still alive may appoint an additional or replacement Trustee at any time by a written statement to that effect.


Automatic termination of Trustee’s appointment: Also, a Trustee’s appointment terminates automatically if any of the following occurs:


(a)   the Trustee is found to be of unsound mind, or the Trustee or his or her estate becomes liable to be dealt with in any way under a law dealing with mental health;


(b)   the Trustee becomes bankrupt or makes an arrangement or composition with his or her creditors; or


(c)    the Trustee enters into compulsory or voluntary liquidation (except for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction), or has an administrator, receiver, official manager, or receiver and manager appointed to any part of its assets.


The documents that would have to generated to effect a change of Trustee usually include:


  • Trustee consent forms;
  • Appointor minutes (if applicable);
  • Current Trustee minutes;
  • New Trustee minutes;
  • First Named Beneficiary minutes (if applicable);
  • Draw and Settle a Deed of Amendment


Local laws can have an impact. Hence you should seek the advice of a Trust Law expert in the jurisdiction where the Trust is registered or domiciled before committing to try and change Trustee/s.


How To Avoid Tax LEGALLY

A lot of time, money and energy is spent around the world each year by people looking to reduce their taxable income to the lowest possible figure. Some employ high level tax advisers, some set up Tax Free Offshore Companies, some try and disguise their income by engaging in all manner of questionable local tax schemes.


But there is another way…


Have you ever heard of a PT?


PT stands for Perpetual Traveller.


A Perpetual Traveller is a person who has no home, or, in legal speak, is not resident anywhere for tax purposes.


So how do you become a PT? By creating a situation where you are not resident for tax purposes anywhere.


To explain…


Most countries have a multifaceted tax residency test:

(a)   Generally speaking if you are inside a particular country for more than 6 months you would be classified as tax resident in that country and liable to declare income in, and pay tax in, that country

(b)   That said you can be resident somewhere for less than 6 months a year and still be classified as a local resident for tax purposes if you have a “substantial connection” to the country.


In determining whether you have a “substantial connection” the tax authorities would look at a range of factors including do you have a spouse from or living in that country? Do you own a residence there? Do you have children there? Do you own a car there? Do you have a bank account there? Do you own assets there? Do you have a driver’s license there? Do you have insurances there? Are you a member of a club there (eg golf club, tennis club, social club) etc etc etc.


If you want to become a PT the starting point is to create a situation where you are no longer tax resident in your home country.


How might you go about that?


To maximise the chances of being able to escape your home country’s tax system probably what you will need to do is:


  • Sell your current business (or quit your local job)
  • Sell your local home
  • Sell all your locally located assets
  • Close down your local bank accounts


Then what you do is you jump on a plane and head abroad. Once you’ve reached your next destination what you do is you send a letter to the tax office/IRS of the country you just left advising them that you’ve departed the country permanently and filed your last tax return.


In the perfect world what you then might do is spend 5 months in one country, 5 months in another country & spend a couple of months travelling.


Then you set up a tax free “Offshore” Company as your business ownership or income receiving vehicle.


It takes courage, time and effort to become non tax resident. But the rewards could be massive; (as well as living a more adventurous/exciting life) you might (LEGALLY) never have to pay income or business tax again!


How To Use A Private Foundation

I am often asked can I invest or do business Offshore using a Foundation?


There are limits, at law, to what a Foundation can do. Foundations are designed as passive asset holding vehicles eg to hold cash at bank or to hold a piece of real estate or to hold a parcel of shares. Any asset which you intend to hold onto for the mid-long term can be owned/held by a tax free Offshore Private Foundation.


A Foundation cannot however operate a Trading Operation or a Mercantile style business ie an enterprise which aims to generate a profit from regular buying and selling.


The starting point is to set up a Foundation then, once you want to take out a mortgage or once you want to start buying and selling regularly or once you want to start actively investing (eg trading shares/forex etc regularly) you could/would add a Company to the structure (ie the Foundation would resolve to form a/the Company ie the Foundation would be passive it would just hold the shares of the company).


The Company is your revenue raising machine. The role of the Foundation is to own the Company. Such a structure can deliver both asset protection and tax planning opportunities. Howso?


  1. Because at law a Foundation is both the legal and beneficial owner of any asset it holds. The makes it nigh on impossible for your judgment creditors to seize assets held by or income flowing to the Company.
  2. If you structure and manage the Combo correctly you should only have to pay tax on income paid to you by the Foundation or the Company. The rest of the money earned by the Company can be held and or reinvested offshore potentially tax free (and thanks to the power of compounding you should reach your ideal nett worth goal years if not decades sooner than you would otherwise).


What is the Power of Compounding?


The power of compounding is the snowball effect that happens when your earnings generate even more earnings. You receive interest not only on your original investment, but also on any interest, dividends, and capital gains that accumulate—so your money can grow faster and faster as the years roll on.


Here’s a comparison. Person A and Person B.


Both persons place $100,000 into a Managed Fund which pays 12.5% per annum.


Let’s assume Person A pays 12.5% tax each year on his earnings. Person B doesn’t have to pay tax on his earnings.


After 10 years person A will have $120,000. Person B will have $210,058 in his account (thanks to the Power of Compounding)..


As always local laws can have an impact. So be sure to seek local legal/tax/financial advice before committing to set up an Offshore Corporate structure like that described above.



How to Use an Offshore Company (IBC) to Invest in pre IPOs & Cryptocurrencies

Pre IPO buyin, and in particular Cryptocurrency speculation, is becoming a popular way to potentially make a lot of money very quickly.


We’ve seen many clients invest in the early stages of the development of new Technologies & Cryptocurrencies and go home with substantial sums of money in their pockets.


So what is a cryptocurrency and why are cryptocurrencies so popular?


In very simple terms a Cryptocurrency is a non-asset based digital means of exchange. Typically value is created by a mathematical process called mining whereby the ”coin’ is birthed once a mathematical equation has been closed. This equation grows mathematically tougher to solve the more coins are mined.


Particularly for those investing in the embryonic stages of a digital currency’s development (eg pre IPO) there is the potential for a massive capital gain to be realised. For example when Bitcoin came to market it started at circa $1 and grew at its height to over $1,200.


For those who get in on the ground (eg if you help fund the cost of bringing such products to market) the returns are potentially even higher.


If you are investing or thinking of investing in a program such as this, the prudent thing to do would be to set up a tax free Offshore Corporate structure to hold this investment before its value booms.


To summarise how it would work is:


  • You set up a zero tax Offshore Company eg an International Business Company (“IBC”).
  • The IBC would enter into a contract with you to buy the Investment/Cryptocurrency at its present value.
  • The sale will need to be seen to be at fair market value (you can’t just sell the Investment to the IBC for one Dollar/Euro!). And the contract of sale will need to be seen to be on normal or reasonable commercial terms. That said the sale contract could be an instalment or vendor finance contract ie where a deposit is paid and ownership is transferred but the seller retains a mortgage until such time as all the instalments have been paid.
  • Depending on where you live you may be able to “gift” the property to an Offshore entity. It might be difficult to explain why you’re gifting a piece of property to an IBC hence the smarter thing to do might be to set up (and transfer ownership of the property to) a PIF ie Private Interest Foundation (eg a Charitable Purpose Foundation). This one might survive the “sniff test”. Why? Because all day every day well intentioned wealthy persons gift money or assets to Charitable causes.
  • Once the investment booms your IBC sells or exchanges the investment for hard currency (eg USD) and banks the profit free of tax.
  • For all intents and purposes the IBC’s trading profits are generated in a nil tax environment tax free/offshore (ie provided the IBC Is structured properly).
  • If you structure the Company correctly you should only be liable for tax at home once you draw down money from the Company.
  • This should enable you, via the power of compounding, to grow your nest egg MUCH faster than you would otherwise had your company been liable to account for Corporate tax each year (eg up to 40%, depending on where you live).




Are you involved in an Investment or Trading Program (ie Trading bank/negotiable instruments) or a Private Placement Program and expecting a big pay day soon or in the not too distance future?


If so there are certain things you need to be aware of.


Often we are approached by persons looking to set up a tax free Offshore Company and or Tax Free Offshore Bank Account in anticipation of receiving profits from a private placement or bank trading programs.


The common misapprehension of 99% of such clients is that all they have to do to avoid paying tax at home on such a windfall is to set up an Offshore Company or Bank Account and have the proceeds paid into that


If you are in this position, to avoid tax in your home county, you will need more than just an offshore bank account to receive funds into.




  1. You will need to ensure that any contracts or instruments held or signed entitling you to a payday are sold to, transferred to or assigned at law to your tax free Offshore Company before you becomes entitled to be paid the profit.
  2. Immediately you become entitled to receive the profit, even if you haven’t received the money yet, it’s a taxable event.
  3. Hence if you want to avoid having to pay tax at home on the profits of your trading or private placement program you will need to set up a tax free Offshore Company BEFORE he become entitled to the profit.


Local laws can have an impact. Hence it would be wise to seek local legal/tax/financial advice before committing to invest in such a product/offering and before committing to set up an Offshore Corporate structure for such purposes.



Differences Between Seychelles and Belize Foundations


We are often asked “What are the differences between a Seychelles Foundation and a Belize Foundation?”


What I can tell you is that the Seychelles Foundation Law is basically a copy of Panama’s and very similar to Belize’s (which is also modelled on Panama) but with a couple of additional (in my view, very attractive) features including:


  • The rights of the Founder of a Seychelles Foundation can be assigned. This enables complete privacy because normally the Founder’s name appears in the Charter (which is publicly filed as part of the registration process). With a Seychelles Foundation however you can use a Nominee Founder (who then immediately following registration assigns his/her/its rights to you).
  • The Seychelles law specifically states that the Foundation is both the legal and beneficial owner of any assets it holds. This is (a) a fantastic tax planning feature because traditionally onshore tax authorities have taxed such entities on the basis that the beneficiaries are the beneficial owners of the entity and thus entitled to income from the entity. It also means (b) when opening bank accounts or incorporating subsidiaries that you can avoid your name being recorded as the beneficial owner of the Company notwithstanding that you/your spouse/your family may be named as beneficiaries of the Foundation.
  • The Seychelles law also states that the beneficiaries are owed no fiduciary duty by the Foundation Council (which bolsters the above proposition ie that it is the Foundation which owns the assets/income for tax purposes)


 The Seychelles law also provides additional asset protection provisions eg:


  • It specifically says that a transfer of property to a Seychelles Foundation, shall not be void, voidable, liable to be set aside or otherwise defective in any manner by reference to a foreign rule of forced heirship or any other written law of a foreign jurisdiction
  • It also says that a transfer of property to a Seychelles Foundation, shall not be void as a consequence of the founder’s bankruptcy or the liquidation of the founder’s property; or any action, proceedings or other claims against the founder brought by any creditor of the founder. (Note: these asset protection provisions don’t appear in the Belize law).



CONTRACTORS: How To Run a Business From Offshore

With the advent of the internet, the spread of economic liberalisation and the rise of the global village more and more professionals (and skilled workers) are being offered the opportunity to work as contractors particularly for International/Multinational business/es.


No matter whether you a Civil Engineer, Software Developer, Accounting/Finance Professional or some other kind of skilled worker if you are able to work online or on the ground outside of your home country (or even if you are simply employed locally on a contract basis) the opportunity exists for you to potentially minimise your tax via “Offshore” Incorporation.


For the purposes of this article I’m going to break down the opportunists into 3 categories (ie Online Contractors, Expat Professionals an Local Contractors) and then explain how each can potentially benefit from “Offshore” Corporate Structuring.


  1. 1.      Online Contractors


Contractors capable of receiving “orders” (ie work instructions) online and delivering services online would include:

  • IT professionals
  • Design professionals (eg Engineers, Architects, Draftsmen etc)
  • Finance Professionals
  • Marketing Professionals
  • Etc.


If you fit into one of the above categories here’s how an Offshore Corporate Structure could work for you:


(a)   A nil tax offshore company (commonly an International Business Company “IBC”) is incorporated

(b)   An Offshore account is set up in a nil tax banking centre

(c)    Customers/clients contract with and pay the IBC. The IBC Invoices the clients from offshore. Payment for invoices rendered are banked free of tax in the first instance.

(d)   In the case of an online business typically tax liability lies only in the country from which the Company is managed and controlled

(e)   The Company would be structured with a (tax haven based) Nominee Director/Shareholder (ie management and control would be “Offshore” ie in a nil tax environment)

(f)     (Thus) any profits earned have been earned (and ideally banked) Offshore ie in a nil tax environment

(g)   You or your local company would be sub-contracted by the IBC to actually perform the services

(h)   You would invoice the IBC periodically (eg monthly) for this work which income would be assessable income in your home country – though a smart Tax Accountant should be able to assist you to claim a series of expenses against this income (eg home office, equipment, travel, phone/internet/utilities etc) to significantly reduce the amount of tax payable on this income.

(i)     The rest of the income earned by the IBC can be held (and potentially invested) offshore tax free.


Note if you live in a country which has CFC Laws (see below which explains what they are) you’d be wise to include a Foundation as part of your Corporate structure. See below which explains why.


  1. 2.      Expat Professionals


The most common example here is a qualified eg technical professional who is offered a fat contract to work for several years in a faraway place.


If that’s you here’s how an Offshore Corporate Structure might work for you:


(j)     A nil tax offshore company (commonly an International Business Company “IBC”) is incorporated

(k)    An Offshore account is set up in a nil tax banking centre

(l)     Your employer contracts with and pays the IBC. The IBC invoices the clients from offshore. Payment for invoices rendered will be banked free of tax in the first instance.

(m) As a general rule tax liability lies only in the country from which the Company is managed and controlled. Hence the Company would be structured with an Offshore (tax haven based) Nominee Director/Shareholder (ie management and control would be “Offshore” ie in a nil tax environment)

(n)   (Thus) any profits earned have been earned (and ideally banked) Offshore ie in a nil tax environment

(o)   You would be sub-contracted by the IBC to actually perform the services

(p)   You would invoice the IBC periodically (eg monthly) for this work – this money you would send home to your family and or to cover your expenses (eg mortgage/loans) back home.  These payments would be assessable income in your home country – though a smart Tax Accountant should be able to assist you to claim a series of expenses against this income (eg home office, equipment, travel, phone/internet/utilities etc) to significantly reduce the amount of tax payable on this income.

(q)   The rest of the income earned by the IBC can be held (and potentially invested) offshore tax free. (see also below re how to access money banked Offshore).


NOTE: if you fit the above criteria you could also set up an Offshore recruitment agency Company – see below which explains how that can/will work


Note further if you live in a country which has CFC Laws (see below which explains what they are) you’d be wise to include a Foundation as part of your Corporate structure. See below which explains why.


  1. 3.      Local Contractors


With the deregulation of the labor market world-wide, more and more workers are being shifted from “Full time” to “Contractor” status.


If you’ve recently been asked to (or decided, moving forward, to) work on a contract basis what you could do is set up an Offshore Recruitment Agency Company.


Here’s how that might work:


  1. You would incorporate a nil tax Offshore Company. It might be called something like International Professional Recruitment Services Ltd  (hereinafter, “IPRS Ltd” or the “Employment Agent”)
  2. This business would be characterized as and appear to the outside world to be a Professional Recruitment Agency or a (Specialist) Labour Hire Company
  3. You would tell anyone who wants to hire you eg your existing employers (or contract counterparty if you are on a contract) that, as IPRS Ltd can offer you (a) consistent employment + (b) jobs the world over, and as they are experts in finding contracts for your Profession/Trade/Occupation, you are contracted exclusively to IPRS Ltd and anyone who wants to hire you has to sign an agreement with, and must pay, IPRS Ltd.
  4. Your existing employers (or contract counterparty if you are on a contract), assuming they wish to keep you employed/engaged, would then have to sign a labour hire agreement with IPRS Ltd.
  5. Your existing employers (or contract counterparty if you are on a contract) would thereafter pay your wages (or contract fees as applicable) to IPRS Ltd.
  6. IPRS Ltd would keep a percentage of these payments as Agency commission (it could be anywhere from 2.5% to 50%).
  7. The remainder of monies (ie after IPRS Ltd has retained its agency commission) would be paid to you by IPRS Ltd
  8. The monies received by IPRS Ltd should be receipted free of tax and could be held and or invested Offshore potentially tax free.


For the above to work the agreement between your employers (and the agreement between you) and IPRS Ltd would need to be (and be seen to be) commercially realistic.


Note if you live in a country which has CFC Laws (see below which explain what they are) you’d be wise to include a Foundation as part of your Corporate structure. See below which explains why.


What is a Controlled Foreign Corporation Law?


A Controlled Foreign Corporation (or CFC) Law is one which purports to tax onshore income or capital gains made by Companies incorporated Offshore but which are controlled from onshore.


Essentially how a CFC law works is if an individual owns or has the capacity to own the overriding majority of shares in an Offshore Company (the percentage of which varies from country to country) the that person is required to declare in his local tax return profits made by the Offshore Company.


How CFC laws came about was around 30 years ago the big western countries began to realise that certain of their citizens were using nil tax Offshore companies to avoid having to pay tax at home on their non-local sourced (ie international) income. In particular the CFC laws target the use of Nominee Shareholders and Directors. If you live in a country which has CFC laws (regardless of whether you are the director/shareholder of the Company or not) if you have the capacity to own and control the company by reference to shareholdings then you would be required to declare and pay tax at home on your Offshore Company’s earnings.


There are several ways to get around CFC laws. Historically clients used commonly to deploy an Offshore (Discretionary) Trust to own the shares of the Offshore Company. However with more and more “Onshore” tax systems claiming tax from any Trust with an onshore resident beneficiary discerning clients these days choose to establish Private Foundations (in particular Seychelles Foundations) as the ultimate holding entity as such entities should not caught by CFC laws or by CFT (Controlled Foreign Trust) Laws. For more detail click on these links:



Why set up a Foundation?


If an IBC alone is used you will still be liable to declare and pay tax at home on your IBC’s earnings if/when you live in a country which has a Controlled Foreign Corporation (“CFC) law. Failure to do so I believe would constitute tax evasion.


What you might do then is set up a Private Interest Foundation to own the shares of the Offshore Company.


We used to use Offshore Trusts for such purposes back in the noughties but the problem there is that you have someone (ie a Trustee) holding property for the benefit of 3rd parties who are inarguably beneficial owners of that property and probably/potentially entitled to the income/capital of the Trust (which can have tax consequences onshore).


A Foundation is very similar to a Trust in that it’s set up by a Founder (like a Settlor in the case of a Trust) and managed day to day by a Councillor (like a Trustee in the case of a Trust) who manages the Foundation property for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the Foundation. A key advantage of a Foundation is that it’s a separate legal entity in its own right (ie the Foundation actually owns the assets held by the Foundation – unlike a Trustee who holds property for someone else ie the beneficiaries) and generally speaking the beneficiaries are not entitled to the income or capital of the Foundation until it’s actually received.


What this means as a beneficiary is that you should be able to defer paying tax at home on the income of investments held by the Foundation enabling you to reinvest 100% of that income not just the after tax component. (One jurisdiction ie Seychelles has even taken this a step further by specifically stating in their law that the legal and beneficial owner of any asset held by the Foundation is the Foundation itself).


Seychelles Foundations


If you are a resident or citizen of a country which has the ability to track Offshore Bank account beneficiary details and you would like to keep private details of your Offshore earnings (or if you plan to set up a very sensitive business eg one that might illegal if owned/operated from where you live) again a Seychelles Foundation can help:


How so?


It all comes back to the legal structure/operation of the Seychelles Private Interest Foundation.


Bottom line is notwithstanding that individuals (or a class of beneficiary) may be named as beneficiaries in the Regulations:


  1. The beneficiaries have no legal or beneficial interest in property owned by the Foundation (unless or until such time as that property is transferred to them – see section 71 of the Seychelles Foundations Act attached).
  2. The Foundation is a legal entity in its own right not a mere Trustee (See section 23)
  3. The Councillor of the Foundation owes no Fiduciary duty to the beneficiaries (see section 63)


As such there is no “beneficial owner” of the Foundation. The beneficial owner of any property/asset owned or held by the Foundation is the Foundation itself.


There are a number of ways to bring home money from an IBC. Contact me for details.  


Note also unless you (have expatriated or) live in a country that does not have CFC laws (and/or unless or are structured in a tax effective/compliant manner) you may still be required to declare and pay tax at home on your IBC’s earnings.


Local laws can have an impact. Hence you should seek local legal/tax/financial advise before committing to set up a Corporate structure such as that described above.  



An LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) is, effectively, a hybrid of a Limited Company and a Partnership.


An LLC is like a Company in that that liability of the Company is limited to the capital invested and assets purchased by the Company.


Like a partnership an LLC is a flow through entity: An LLC does not have to file a tax return; the nett profits are passed through to the members of the LLC (members are to an LLC what shareholders are to a Limited Company) who are responsible for taxes (if applicable) in their country of tax residence (ie same tax treatment as Partners in the case of a Partnership).


From a member/partner’s viewpoint, in terms of liability, an LLC is superior to a Limited Partnership (“LP”) because in the case of a Limited Partnership (which is constituted by a Limited Partner and a General Partner) one partner can be made liable for the debts of the partnership. In the case of an LLC the liability of the members is limited to the extent of the member’s capital contribution (unless a personal guarantee has been given by a member to a supplier of the LLC).


LLC members can fully participate in the management of the LLC (which is different to an LP – in the case of an LP the Limited Partner usually can’t participate in the management of the enterprise without risking his/her Limited Liability status).


Key Benefits of the Belize LLC include:


  • Privacy: There is no public register of owners/members or Directors/Managers in Belize
  • Tax Effectiveness: Belize LLCs are not liable for corporate tax or business tax or any other form of tax in Belize
  • Simplicity: There is no requirement in Belize to prepare annual accounts or appoint an auditor
  • Flexibility: Belize LLCs can be used to own/operate a wide range of businesses as of right
  • Asset Protection: Before you can sue a Belize LLC you have to pay into Court a deposit being an amount equal to the greater of (i) one half of the amount claimed or $US50,000 whichever is the greater


Other features of the Belize LLC Law include:

1. A Belize LLC:

(a)   can be structured according to its own rules rather than being dictated to by statute

(b)   is a legal entity with separate rights and liabilities distinct from its members & managers. This means no-one other than the LLC itself can be made liable for the debts of the LLC, (save for the case of a personal guarantee)

(c)    Somebody suing a Belize LLC member at best can only have the members rights assigned to him/her; he/she can’t participate in the management of the LLC

2. Belize doesn’t recognize foreign judgments. Only a judgment made by a Belize Court can be executed against a Belize LLC

3. LLCs from other jurisdictions can migrate to Belize and vice versa (ie a Belize LLC can redomicile and become eg a Nevis LLC)

4. Civil legal proceedings against a Belize LLC must be held in private (and there are penalties for unauthorised disclosure).


How To Set Up a Mobile App Business Offshore

There has been a huge explosion of mobile app businesses in the past few years (including businesses which might operate in a similar way to Uber or AirBnB).


Such a business (ie a predominantly Online Business – where services are both produced and delivered online) lends itself particularly well to an “Offshore” Corporate Structuring Plan. See below “HOW TO SET UP AN ONLINE BUSINESS OFFSHORE” which explains in simple/general terms how it can work.


Structuring Options


These kind of businesses usually operate in one of two ways:


  1. Where all the marketing and service delivery is done online and the customer deals with one central Trading (nil or low tax jurisdiction incorporated) Company
  2.  Where the business has its headquarters Offshore but for credibility/marketing reasons (or for licensing reasons) needs an on the ground presence in each of the country/s where it is selling/providing services


In the latter example a local subsidiary company is usually incorporated to market to or liaise with the customer but certain key functions are exported to (and a large chunk of the sale price diverted to) the business’s Trading Company (or a tax haven subsidiary thereof)


In either example what you normally have is a twin company structure at the top of the tree ie a Trading Company + an IP Company.


How and Why To Set Up An Offshore IP Company


Intellectual property (“IP”) is a creation of the mind and includes things like inventions, literary and artistic works, designs and symbols, software code, names and images used in business.


IP is commonly protected in law by way of patents, copyright and trademarks which enable the person who came up with the idea to securely earn recognition or financial benefit from whatever it is he/she has invented or created.


An Offshore IP company is an ideal vehicle for the administration and management of licenses and intellectual properties including computer software, technical know-how, patents, copyrights and trademarks.




So how does it work from a practical perspective?


At core the Offshore IP Company (which is usually set up in a nil or low tax country) is used to divert income from Trading Companies or Businesses trading in developed or high tax countries.


The first step is to transfer ownership of the IP rights to the Offshore Company/Entity.


Once that’s done the Trading Business then enters into a legal agreement (contract) with the IP Company whereby, in return for being allowed to use the IP, the Trading Company agrees to pay the Company royalties or license fees. The income arising from these agreements can then be accumulated offshore in a nil or low tax environment.


Timing is of critical importance – It is clearly preferable to acquire the IP (for example, a patent) at the earliest possible time (e.g. at the patent pending stage) before the IP becomes highly valuable. That way the capital payment for the acquisition of the IP (e.g. patent) can be set at a lower amount i.e. before its true worth has been determined in/by the market. (These capital payments may even be deferred and or staggered by way of an instalment contract such as would enable the IP Company to use subsequent royalty payments to fund the cost of the IP).
If a deal is struck for the Offshore IP Company to buy the IP before the IP gives rise to a product or service which is offered/advertised in the market the IP might even be transferred for nominal consideration enabling the IP inventor/creator to transfer patent, copyright or trademarks in favour of the low/nil tax company before the IP suffers significant appreciation in value.


Businesses Who Pay Royalties or License Fees for the use of IP


Once it has acquired the Property the Offshore IP Company can then issue (IP) sub-licenses or exploitation rights to appropriate third party structures.
For example, a majority of software companies license their users through companies which are established in an offshore jurisdiction, or through a firm, which is not established in a classical offshore jurisdiction, but is owned or controlled by such a firm.


Typical examples of businesses that might pay license fees to a nil/low tax Offshore Company include:
- Software companies
- Companies doing business in information technologies
- License and copyrights to books, articles, music, films, etc.
- Users of Franchise operating systems

- Trademark product (e.g. Clothes/Consumer Goods/Accessories etc. Brand) manufacturers and or retailers


In some circumstances the royalties may be subject to withholding tax at source, however, the interposing of a second company in another jurisdiction may reduce the rate of tax withheld at source (a carefully selected jurisdiction can withhold taxes on royalty payments with the commercial application of double tax treaties).


Structuring Options


Another option, whilst you are still in the process of creating a new piece of intellectual property, is to involve or engage an offshore (nil tax) company as a foreign partner or financial sponsor. Participation in development at this early stage would entitle it to register as the owner or co-owner of the property.


If you involve an offshore company later, you have to sell or assign the title to the property to the offshore company, and these kind of transactions requires at the least that a fair market price deal be apparent as if no associated parties were involved (+ the transfer may involve the incurring of some CGT on the part of the inventor/creator of the IP).


Benefits of an Offshore IP Company

There are numerous benefits that an IP holding company can deliver including:


  • By placing your IP in one entity you are able to streamline the internal processes for inter-group licensing
  • Cross-jurisdictional tax issues become simpler as you will be regularly licensing IP between the same jurisdictions
  • You can justify staffing that entity with people who have the skills to manage the same so protecting valuable assets of the company further, simplifying the licensing process
  • Assets can be valued due to the income stream that accrues for the benefit of the IP holding company
  • The value of the shares in the entity can be included into the accounts which will benefit the shareholders of the holding company
  • You can split your income streams in two enabling you to sell one chunk of your business first up (i.e. the operational business) whilst retaining the other (i.e. IP) arm of the business which would entitle you to receive passive income
  • If your business or trading company ever gets sued and the IP is owned by a 2nd (e.g. Offshore) Company the most precious asset of your business can/will not be lost.
  • You get to retain ownership of your IP in a highly private environment where no one knows what you own or how much the IP is worth. (There have been many documented cases of inventors and artists who rise suddenly to fame only to lose their fortune just as quickly via a law suit filed by a disgruntled gold digging ex-lover or confidante… The chances of that happening if your IP is owned by a privacy haven company are GREATLY reduced)
  • You can significantly if not dramatically reduce the tax that your operating/trading company would otherwise have to pay


Proprietors Holding Entities


By the time each of the business owners becomes entitled to a share of the profits he/she would be wise to have already in place a nil tax entity to hold his/her interests in the business.


For many clients all that they will need is a Full Nominee IBC (For those who live in countries with Controlled Foreign Corporation Laws a Foundation should be included as part of the Corporate Structure). Such an entity can enable you, during the lifetime of the business, to avoid paying tax at home on all but the monies the business pays you (eg by way of wages or consulting fees or profit share). The nett result is tax deferral (ie you avoid having to pay tax on the business’s profits until the business is sold or shut down. Meanwhile (without having to pay tax each year on the business’s profits) your capital/asset base should have  grown massively thanks the power of compounding.


How To Set Up An Online Business Offshore


Offshore Companies are commonly used to own/operate online businesses. Please check out these links for some examples of how certain kinds of businesses can be set up “Offshore”:


In principle here’s how it can work:


  1. A nil tax offshore company (commonly an International Business Company “IBC”) is incorporated
  2. The IBC owns/operates the web based business (eg ownership of the web-domain and the website/artworks or trademark/s or any sole distributor rights are held by or transferred to the IBC)
  3. An Offshore account (which received payments via a merchant account) is set up in a nil tax banking centre
  4. Ideally the server is located in a country which does not tax business on the basis of server location (eg Singapore)
  5. Customers contract with and pay the IBC. All such monies are banked free of tax in the first instance
  6. You or your local company would be contracted by the IBC to manage sales/delivery of product/website maintenance/whatever.
  7. You would invoice the IBC periodically (eg monthly) for this service which income would be assessable income in your home state – though a smart Tax Accountant should be able to assist you to claim a series of expense against this income (eg home office, equipment, travel, phone/internet/utilities etc) to significantly reduce the amount of tax payable on this income.
  8. Often there is some kind of intellectual property (“IP”) created or behind the website based business (even if it’s just the website/design). It may be advantageous to you down the track if ownership of the business and the IP were held by 2 different entities. What you can do there is set up a 2nd IBC to own the IP. The first IBC (ie the Trading Company) pays license fees periodically to the 2nd IBC which fees wold be receipted tax free. This could be advantageous if you wanted to bring ownership of the web-business onshore or if you wanted to sell the business but keep a passive (potentially tax free) income stream
  9. Ideally once you start to grow you and to add substance you would be wise to set up your MD/Board and or a sales team onshore to take orders and receive income in a low tax onshore environment (eh Hong Kong, Ireland, Singapore, Cyprus etc as per the Amazon/Google model)


To minimise the chances of the IBC being taxed onshore ideally the IBC should be (and be seen to be) managed and controlled from offshore. How this can be achieved is including a Nominee Director etc as part of the Corporate structure. See these pages for details of how that can work:


As always local laws can have an impact, so be sure to seek local legal/tax/financial advice before committing to set up an Offshore Company for such purposes.