Company Details | |
Country/ Jurisdiction | |
Company Name (preferred) | |
Company Name (alternate) | N/A |
Personal Details | |
Full Name | |
Street Address (for courier delivery) | |
City | |
State | |
Zip/ Postcode | |
Country | |
Telephone | N/A |
Fax | N/A |
Mobile | N/A |
Package Details | |
Package | N/A |
Do you require Registered Shares? | N/A |
Do you require Bearer Shares? | N/A |
Would you like us to provide a Professional 'Nominee' Director | N/A |
Would you like us to provide a "Nominee" Company Secretary | N/A |
What kind of business is the company likely to carry on? | N/A |
In what Countries is the company likely to be doing business? | N/A |
Do you require assistance in opening a bank account for the company? | N/A |
What is your first choice company name? | N/A |
What is your second choice company name? | N/A |
What is your third choice company name? | N/A |
What is your preferred choice of bank (if known)? | N/A |
What is the purpose and nature of the business relationship proposed by you herein? | N/A |
What is the source and wealth of your personal property? | N/A |
Are you a Politically Exposed Person (see our Terms & Conditions for a definition of what this is)? | N/A |
Total Price | $0 |
Your order comes to $ 0 USD.
After you hit the submit button below you'll need to do three things:
- Email us a certified copy of your passport
- Email us a certified copy of a document proving your residential address (eg utility bill or bank/credit card statement no more than 3 months old)
- Pay and send us proof of payment
I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of business as defined by Offshore Companies International. Furthermore, I understand that Offshore Companies International has not offered financial or legal advice. I understand it is my responsibility to get financial and legal advice before making any decision to incorporate offshore.
Review | Confirm Order |